FinAccess Household Survey 2021

Welcome to the FinAccess Household Survey 2021 website. This site provides users with data visualisation tools to explore and analyse data from the 2021 survey alongside the surveys from previous years. The 2021 report can be downloaded here. This site covers the four dimensions of financial inclusion:

Access captures individuals with an active account in their own name in the last twelve (12) months with at least one financial service provider in either the formal and informal category. Those individuals who have access to financial services but do not have their own account, such as those using another family member’s account, are not included. A consumer who does not access any financial services or products from any formal or informal category is classified as excluded.

The Access section includes the following dashboards:

Usage measures the actual use of an account in their own name and/or through someone else’s account (indirect usage) in the last twelve (12) months with at least one financial service provider in either the formal and informal category.

The Usage section includes the following dashboards:

Quality measures whether the financial product/ service is appropriate and matches the clients’ needs, the range of options available to customers, and clients’ awareness and understanding of the product and services and its features.

The Quality section includes the following dashboards:

Impact captures the likely outcomes or welfare gain in the use of financial services and products on the consumers’ financial behaviour and welfare.

The Impact section includes the following dashboards: